Monday, July 2, 2018

Political Efforts of Texas “Medical” Lobby Protects Profits Over Patients

This unethical position not only violates the patient’s Right to Life, but ignores common sense solutions...allowing patients to access desired life-sustaining treatment and procedures.

By Texas Right to Life
National Right to Life

The Texas Medical Association (TMA) PAC and the Texas Hospital Association (THA) PAC are political arms of the leaders of the Texas medical lobby, who are marred by prioritizing policies that protect profits rather than patients. TMA and THA routinely oppose any legislation that increases protections for the rights of patients in their care, such as Senate Bill 11 passed during the First Called Special Session of the 85th Legislature.

SB11 reformed the process by which Do-Not-Resuscitate Orders (DNRs) are issued for hospitalized patients, protecting them from unauthorized DNRs written by physicians or providers without the patient’s knowledge or permission.

TMA’s Robert Fine and THA’s Missy Atwood both testified publicly against SB 11. Atwood’s testimony clearly demonstrates her belief that when a patient’s own expressed wishes about a life-or-death situation conflict with the doctors own personal beliefs, the physician should have unilateral authority to make that decision for the patient.

This unethical position not only violates the patient’s Right to Life, but ignores common sense solutions to accommodate conscientious objections while allowing patients to access desired life-sustaining treatment and procedures.
Dr. Arlo Weltge, speaking for TMA, took a neutral position on the bill. However, his tone echoed the tone of the THA lobbyists, and after the hearing, the TMA worked against the bill and the governor’s agenda.

TMA and THA’s PACs also have amassed an incriminating record of supporting anti-Life candidates. Cindy Burkett (R-Sunnyvale), an outgoing state representative, whose record on Life was mixed, at best, waged a 2018 Primary Election challenge to Pro-Life champion Senator Bob Hall for Senate District 2 and received $41,000 from the TMA’s PAC and $8,000 from HOSPAC, run by THA, during her failed bid.

Anti-Life J. D. Sheffield (R-Gatesville) similarly benefited from the medical lobby’s support, receiving $62,000 from TMA, more than any other candidate or incumbent, and $4,000 from HOSPAC.

The list of anti-Life legislators supported by these groups is lengthy, but the most reprehensible is their support of pro-abortion “Republican” Sarah Davis (R-West University Place), who has received the endorsement and almost $20,000 from Planned Parenthood since 2014.

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