Friday, November 8, 2013

Former Gov. Ridge Rails Against Pro-Life, Pro-Marriage Advocates

Former PA Governor Tom Ridge was in the news again this past week. What was his accomplishment? He condemned those within the Republican party, including elected officials, who stand up for the sanctity of human life and for marriage as between one man and one woman. That fits right into the narrative of many in the news media and the activist blogs of those pushing to silence the voices within both major political parties who would dare to stand for life and marriage.

His abortion record is clear, and his administration is responsible for ending the inspections that would have saved women's lives in the Gosnell House of Horrors in Philadelphia. He also flip-flopped on redefining marriage this past February, signing on to a court brief with the Supreme Court asking them to overturn the federal Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA). As governor, Ridge signed our state DOMA into law in 1996.

Click here to read a transcript of his speech.

Join us and let's pray for Tom Ridge, but also commit to work harder for the values we hold dear, both in our homes and communities, and in the public square.

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