Saturday, February 1, 2014

Prayer to Protect Life

By Sister Mary Margaret Johanning, S.S.N.D.

Loving God, I thank You for the gift of life You gave and continue to give to me and to all of us.

Merciful God, I ask Your pardon and forgiveness for my own failure and the failure of all people to respect and foster all forms of life in our universe.

Gracious God, I pray that with Your grace, I and all people will reverence, protect, and promote all life and that we will be especially sensitive to the life of the unborn, the abused, neglected, disabled and the elderly.  I pray, too, that all who make decisions about life n any form will do so with wisdom, love, and courage.

Living God, I praise and glorify you as Father, Source of all life, as Son, Savior of our lives, and as Spirit, Sanctifier of our lives.  Amen.

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