Friday, August 1, 2014


by Gina Diorio
Live Action News

The pro-life movement often talks of the science behind life in the womb, the fact that abortion leaves emotional, psychological and physical scars on women and the inherent beauty of every life. What we don’t often talk about, though, is money.
After all, doesn’t it seem somewhat crass to couch pro-life arguments in terms of economic benefit? The reality, though, is that abortion hasn’t impacted our society only in emotional, social, and cultural ways. It’s also impacted our society economically. And one political scientist is now claiming this very thing.
Mark A. Olson, a former liberal community organizer turned pro-life consultant, has published research that abortion in America has cost our nation more than $16 trillion in federal revenue – or approximately the amount of our current national debt.
In a slide presentation summarizing his research, he first notes that the figure of 50 million abortions far under-represents the cumulative population loss due to abortion, which he places at a staggering 126,469,904 as of January 1, 2014.
Gina Diorio's professional experience includes high school English and history teacher, founder and principal of a writing services firm, and campaign manager and district director for a Member of Congress. Currently, she works in public relations in the Greater Philadelphia area. She is a proud New Jersey native and holds a B.A in history and an M.A. in Public Policy.

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