Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Urgent - We need your help to keep this ad on the Air!‏

Marie Tasy, Executive Director 
New Jersey Right to Life

As you may remember, the Democratic leadership in the Assembly scheduled Bill A 2270, the Physician Assisted Suicide Bill, for a vote last June. Thanks to your efforts, support for the bill fell a few votes short so the sponsor pulled the bill from the Board list at the end of a long session day.  Due to the recent publicity surrounding the tragic death of Brittany Maynard, forces who exploited her are now gearing up to try to get the NJ bill passed  before the end of the year.  The bill could get voted on as early as Thursday, November 13.    We are currently running a 60 second ad on 101.FM radio to ask listeners to call their legislators to vote No on A2270.
To hear the ad, click on the link herethen enter password: nopas.
We would like to keep this ad running through the end of this week and next week to have the maximum impact, but the ads are very costly and we cannot do this without your help.    Can you help us keep this ad on the air by making a contribution now?  You can call our office at 732 562 0562 to make a credit card contribution over the phone or you can make a contribution through our website here.
We wish to thank NJ Physicians Dr. Ana Gomes and Dr. Matthew Suh for taking time from their very busy schedules to lend their powerful voices to the ad. 
Please help us defeat this terribly flawed and misguided bill.  Please act Now!   Thank you. 
To find out more about this issue, please visit our website and legislative action center at

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