Saturday, February 11, 2017

Part Two: These 27 Universities Purchased Body Parts From Aborted Babies for Experimentation

By Steven Ertelt
Life News

Last month, the special Select Investigative Panel of the Energy and Commerce Committee released its Final Report. The results of months of investigation, the special panel’s report addressed the involvement of Planned Parenthood in harvesting and possibly selling fetal tissue and organs harvested from aborted babies. Those results were summarized in Part One.

In examining the fetal tissue industry, the panel looked not just at the supply side– Planned Parenthood and other abortion clinics–but all the way up the chain to the demand side–to the universities and the researchers who were paying for and using tissue harvested from aborted babies. 

Though Democrats on the panel talked about the value of fetal tissue to research, the panel report rightfully pointed out that, overwhelmingly, the research community has been focusing its attention on more promising avenues that do not involve fetal tissue.

In the process of its investigation into the fetal tissue markets, however, panel investigators found just how deeply entrenched many of the nation’s top universities are in the abortion industry.

The depth of this entanglement between many universities and abortion clinics has been exposed by the Select Panel’s research into the fetal tissue industry. Many taxpayers would be outraged that many doctors [abortionists] serve concurrently on medical school faculties and abortion clinic staff.
Their dual roles mean not only that clinics gain the services of some top medical school faculty, but that medical schools are desensitized to the fundamental contradiction of medical care and abortion, which kills, not heals. Their core principles corrupted, they go so far as to send out their residents for training at these clinics, learning to perform late term abortions, and perhaps even learning the in and outs of the fetal tissue procurement business.

This can’t be what medical schools, many of them state supported, are supposed to be teaching.

The list of universities on the list of those ordering and using fetal tissue for research contains the names of some of the most prestigious institutions of higher learning in the country:

Baylor College of Medicine
Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia
Columbia University Medical Center
Colorado State University
Dartmouth University
Duke University
Drexel University College of Medicine
George Washington University
Harvard University
Indiana University
Johns Hopkins University
Medical College of Wisconsin
University of Connecticut
University of Illinois
University of Massachusetts
University of Miami
University of Michigan
University of Minnesota
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
University of Pittsburgh
University of Pennsylvania
University of South Carolina
University of Washington
University of Wisconsin
Vanderbilt University
Yale University

As bad as it is that lauded researchers at America’s top universities are, like movie mad scientists, harvesting the organs of human beings for grisly medical experiments, there are institutions were the involvement has gone even further.

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