Disability Rights Start at Diagnosis
Pass House Bill 2050 & Senate Bill 1050
from Michael Geer, President
Pennsylvania Family Council
Pennsylvania Family Council
Three ways to show support for children given a prenatal diagnosis of Down syndrome right here in Pennsylvania.
By now you've probably seen the winner of the 2018 Gerber Baby contest - 1-year-old Lucas Warren, who has Down syndrome. Lucas is quite the cute kid and this award is absolutely worth celebrating. As his mother Cortney said, "We hope this opportunity sheds light on the special needs community and educates people that with acceptance and support, individuals with special needs have the potential to change the world -- just like our Lucas!"
We also echo comments by John Stonestreet (Breakpoint):
That's exactly why we are gathering support for a new legislative effort here in Pennsylvania, and there are three ways you can get involved:
1) Legislation: Tell your Legislators to Co-Sponsor House Bill 2050, Senate Bill 1050
New legislation in PA - House Bill 2050 & Senate Bill 1050 - would prohibit the abortion of any child solely due to a diagnosis of possible Down syndrome. Studies show anywhere from 60% - 90% of babies given a prenatal diagnosis of Down syndrome are aborted. We have families right here in Pennsylvania that had medical professionals pressure them into having an abortion when given this diagnosis. And there are some who continue to hold to a medieval and harmful viewpoint of Down syndrome, like a columnist from Philadelphia who recently labeled babies with Down syndrome a “horror.”
We need to tell our elected officials that we must show respect to individuals and children with Down syndrome by protecting them when given this diagnosis.
How you can help: Contact your State Senator and State Representative in support of House Bill 2050 & Senate Bill 1050. Use our Citizen Action Center to email both today by clicking here.
2) Photo Series - #WhatIBringToMyCommunity
We are seeking entries for a new photo series to help show elected officials and the general public that people with Down syndrome right here in Pennsylvania are valued members of our community and deserve protection and respect by passing this new legislation.
For any individual with Down syndrome or a family member of someone with Down syndrome that is interested in being a part of this series, there are two things we need: 1) a recent photo, and 2) a brief written response answering the question, "What do you bring to your community?"
The deadline to submit a photo is Monday, March 5. Email your photo and brief written response to Dan at dbart@pafamily.org. For more information, visit pafamily.org/photo.
How you can help: Share this opportunity with friends and family. Share the website: pafamily.org/photo.
3) Rally - Monday, March 12th - Harrisburg State Capitol Rotunda
Kicking off the start of this legislative action is a rally in Harrisburg with the prime sponsors of the bills - State Representatives Mike Turzai and Judy Ward as well as State Senator Scott Martin.
Rally in the Rotunda
Down Syndrome Is A Life Worth Living
Date: Monday, March 12th
Time: 2:30pm
Rotunda of the State Capitol Building, Harrisburg
How you can help: Join us at the rally. For more details or to share on Facebook, click here.
Thanks for joining me in doing our part to shed a little bit of light here in Pennsylvania in order to protect these children.
The Mission of the Pennsylvania Family Institute is to strengthen families by restoring to public life the traditional, foundational principles and values essential for the well-being of society. We are the only full-time, professionally staffed non-profit organization representing family values—your values—in the state capitol. We encourage responsible citizenship and involvement in civic affairs to promote respect for life, family, marriage and religious liberty. For more information about this organization, please use this link.

“We’re hoping this will impact everyone — that it will shed a little bit of light on the special needs community and help more individuals with special needs be accepted and not limited...They have the potential to change the world, just like everybody else.” - Jason Warren, dad of 2018 Gerber baby
Thanks for joining me in doing our part to shed a little bit of light here in Pennsylvania in order to protect these children.
The Mission of the Pennsylvania Family Institute is to strengthen families by restoring to public life the traditional, foundational principles and values essential for the well-being of society. We are the only full-time, professionally staffed non-profit organization representing family values—your values—in the state capitol. We encourage responsible citizenship and involvement in civic affairs to promote respect for life, family, marriage and religious liberty. For more information about this organization, please use this link.
What percentage of Downs Syndrome diagnosis' turn out to be incorrect?
ReplyDeleteThank you.
I'm not sure of this and can't find any answers on-line. I'll check into it and get back to you.