Thursday, June 20, 2013

Planned Parenthood Tells Raped Teen Sex Ed Could Have Stopped the Rape

by Rebecca Frazer

 ndianapolis, IN (LiveActionNews) — In September of 2012, a thirteen-year-old girl from Elwood, Indiana was overpowered and raped by her seventeen-year-old neighbor and became pregnant as a result. Her abuser was found guilty of molesting her and two other child victims and faces sentencing this week. The girl, now fourteen, chose to carry the baby to term and is due in early July.

The crime is tragic, but not rare.

According to the Guttmacher Institute, in Indiana, hundreds of girls aged fourteen and under become pregnant each year. Most of these pregnancies are the result of child molestation. Under Indiana law, child molestation occurs when a man seventeen or older has sex with a girl thirteen or under, or when an older man has sex with a girl fifteen or under.

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  1. Replies
    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Rape has nothing to do with sex. It is an act of violence towards females. We would be better served if all students were taught respect for themselves and others.
