Thursday, March 1, 2018

After Birth Her Mother Left Her in a Dumpster to Die, But He Walked By and He Heard Her Cry

By Nancy Flanders
Life News

Morgan Hill spent the first few moments after her birth like so many of us do. She was cleaned up, wrapped up, and fed by her mother. However, it’s the shocking moments after this that changed the course of her life.

Mired in an extramarital affair, Hill’s biological mother was the only person who knew she was pregnant. She was determined to keep it that way.

While her husband was at work and her stepchild was at school, she secretly gave birth in the bath tub. After feeding her baby and wrapping her in a towel, she put her in the car and proceeded to drive around town, wondering what she should do next.

She ultimately chose to place her newborn baby girl in a garbage bag, tied with a double-knot and placed in a dumpster outside of a medical center in Hoffman Estates, Illinois.

It was a cool evening in October 1995. The dumpster was full and was scheduled to be picked up the next morning. Hill’s story could have easily and quickly ended right there in that dumpster. However—providentially—a nearby construction worker named Garold “Rocky” Hyatt heard a noise as he threw away some debris.

What Hyatt did next saved little Morgan Hill’s life.

“He heard a noise, heard it again, and saw the garbage bag move,” Hill told Pregnancy Help News. “He went into the medical center and said he believed there was a baby in the dumpster. The nurses ran out. One of the nurses, Carol Szafranski, picked up the bag, opened it, and found out it was a baby girl.”
The medical team rushed Hill into the medical center and named her “Mary Grace,” since they considered her a miracle from God. Over the next few days, law enforcement used surveillance footage to track down Hill’s birth mother and, eventually, her biological father as well.

As the story spread across news outlets nationwide, Hill’s biological father won a hard-fought battle for custody. But, already a single father, he eventually placed his baby girl into the hands of an adoptive couple he’d come to know and trust.

A Turning Point in Life

Hill grew up knowing she was adopted, but was unaware of her amazing journey into her family. At her high school graduation party, her niece made an off-handed comment that led Hill to press for the full story.

For the first time, Hill’s mother shared with her the heartbreaking first hours of her life.

“Over the 18 years, she’d kept a binder full of article clippings from newspapers, online, and pictures as well as records of my biological mother that she showed me to explain who I was as a newborn and what happened to me,” Hill said. “I did reach out to different places to find the people who cared for me as well as my biological father, and my mom was so supportive and so helpful with this.”
Hill was able to connect with her birth father—who had kept the same cell phone number for 20 years in hopes that she would call him one day. In 2016, at 20 years old, Hill met with a news reporter who helped reunite her with the first responders who saved her life.

Read more about that reunion here

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