By Micaiah Bilger
Life News
Pro-abortion politicians made sure they were noticed during President Donald Trump’s State of the Union Address on Tuesday by wearing all white to the event.
Supposedly, the white worn by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and others symbolized the early suffragettes and their tireless advocacy for women’s rights.
“Nearly 100 years after women earned the right to vote, more than 100 women are serving in Congress,” Florida Congresswoman Val Demings wrote on Twitter.
“Tonight the @HouseDemWomen are wearing suffragette white to remind the president that we—and the rights our ancestors fought for—aren’t going anywhere.”Their not-so-subtle statement really appeared to be about the president’s pro-life policies, not women’s rights, however. Democrats often conflate abortion with women’s rights.
But the interesting thing about their all-white protest is that the pro-abortion politicians do not appear to know their history. As LifeNews pointed out Tuesday evening, the early suffragettes were unashamedly pro-life.
Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton also took a firm stand for unborn babies by refusing to publish ads for abortion in their newspaper, “The Revolution.” They also ran a number of articles and editorials against abortion.
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