“It makes me sad. I’m not angry; it’s just sad because none of it is true,” Dimeo said. “We’re not a fake clinic, we have a doctor on staff; we have sonographer on staff. We do ultrasounds, STD testing, pregnancy testing."

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Live Action News
On the heels of the introduction of an extreme bill allowing abortion up to birth in the state of Virginia, a facility belonging to The Pregnancy Centers of Central Virginia in Culpeper was vandalized on Friday morning. Spray paint covered signs and the sides of buildings on the property, and a window was broken.
Lindy Dimeo, Patient Advocate Coordinator for the Pregnancy Centers, said this is the first time in two decades that this has occurred.

READ: Report: Pregnancy centers served nearly 2 million with free services in 2017
Vandals sprayed “fake,” “Jesus hates this sh$%,” and “You hate women” onto the center’s signs. Pro-abortion groups such as NARAL and Planned Parenthood have been spreading false information about pregnancy help centers over the last year or more, claiming that they lie to and shame women.
In reality, the pregnancy centers provide services such as pregnancy tests and ultrasounds to women free of charge. They give them information on their legal options and if they choose to keep their baby, the Pregnancy Centers of Central Virginia provide women with free baby gear including diapers, cribs, clothing, and other supplies.
Pro-life centers vastly outnumber abortion clinics, and when a woman chooses life, it takes money away from abortion clinics. In stark contrast, Planned Parenthood has been caught lying to women about fetal development and abortion risks, and aiding and abetting sex traffickers and abusers.
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