By Dave Andrusko
National Right to Life
It is fascinating on so many levels that the day before a poll conducted by McLaughlin & Associate finds overwhelming support for treating abortion survivors the way you would treat any other baby born prematurely, an assistant professor and family nurse practitioner opines at The Hillthat “Anti-vax and anti-abortion movements are filled with misinformation.”
Vaccinations, pro or con, are not our issue. But it’s amazing that Terry Gallagher has the chutzpah to compare opposition to vaccinations to opposition to the latest of late-term abortions and infanticide as examples of “falsehoods based on flawed logic.”
Before we deconstruct Gallagher’s silly op-ed, the good news from the McLaughlin & Associate of 1,000 likely general election voters. Republicans in the House and Senate repeatedly say that whatever their counterparts on the other side believe about abortion, at least we can all agree that infanticide is wrong: that abortion survivors should be treated
That is the position of 77% of the respondents but 0% of Democrats in Congress. Notice how fairly the question is posed:
Congress is considering legislation that would ensure that a baby who survives a failed abortion would be given the same medical treatment as any other baby born prematurely at the same age. Do you support or oppose this legislation?
That is decidedly not the position of congressional Democrats who are busy attempting to thwart the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act which would extend federal legal protection to babies who are born alive during an abortion.
But, what about late-term abortions? What does the American public say about this? Again, the question is asked fairly and accurately.
There has been a lot of news about late term abortions recently. Some legislation would allow late term abortions – even up to the point when a woman is in labor. Do you support or oppose legislation that would allow these late term abortions?
Not surprisingly, 62% of the respondents oppose such legislation, while only 28% support it. Equally unsurprising, Congressional and statehouse Democrats can’t find any abortion at any stage they would oppose. But, then again, they are in Planned Parenthood’s hip pocket, so their utterly embrace of an anti-life behavior is to be expected.
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