By Carole Novielli
Live Action News
The abortion industry would like the public to believe that babies born alive after abortion attempts rarely occur. But babies accidentally born alive after abortions — the so-called “dreaded complication” — have plagued abortion profiteers for decades.
The Philadelphia Inquirer highlighted cases from the 1970s in a 1981 series entitled The Dreaded Complication. In one case, an infant accidentally survived a saline abortion. The abortionist told his nurses by phone to deny the baby oxygen, but thankfully, another doctor stepped in and the baby survived, only to be adopted later. In another case, a Nebraska abortionist reportedly told a nurse to leave a baby boy who survived a saline abortion because “it would probably die in a few minutes.”
In yet another case from the 1970’s, a baby boy survived a prostaglandin abortion and later died. But this time, the doctor who arrived on scene attempted to save the infant, clamping the cord and sending the baby to intensive care.
“It was a shock, a totally unique emergency situation, very upsetting to all of us,” the doctor said. “Some people have disagreed with me [about ordering intensive care for an abortion live birth] but that seems to me the only way you can go. It’s like watching a drowning. You act. You don’t have the luxury of calling around and consulting. You institute life-preserving measures first and decide about viability later on.”READ: Poll: 77 percent of Americans want Congress to protect abortion survivors
In 1989, Pennsylvania abortion doctor Joseph Melnick was convicted of infanticide after a baby he aborted survived. Hospital staffers there claimed a heartbeat had been detected, and the baby had moved and gasped. For this crime, he was given only probation and community service.
The Dreaded Complication
In Florida, a witness who worked at a hospital called the police after seeing a doctor smother a 23-week-old male with Down syndrome who survived an abortion. Miami Right to Life documented the case after being contacted by the witness, and pro-lifers endearingly named him “Baby Special.” The report said that the autopsy showed pockets of air in the baby’s stomach, indicating that he had taken a breath. The medical examiner testified that the baby lived for 34 minutes.
READ: Abortionists reveal why we need a law to protect abortion survivors
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