By Maria Gallagher
Life News
Late Tuesday night, a friend sent me a Facebook message. Too tired to read it, I waited until the following morning to view it. I was astounded.
What my friend had sent me was a video of a 4D ultrasound. Granted, it is not the first time I have seen such a video. But the image was mesmerizing nonetheless.
I could see one preborn baby jumping around with abandon. In another clip, a baby looked like he was waving. I saw a baby yawn and suck his thumb. What I saw, in short, was a human being showing off his humanity.
A video such as this can revolutionize the world. It provides a window into the hidden, amazing world of the preborn child. It is both informative and entertaining, and helps us to form a connection to a child that we might not otherwise have.
Technology can save the precious child in the womb. If every mother could see such a video in a supportive, loving atmosphere, how many more would choose life for their children?
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Do yourself a favor and watch this incredible video. Then share it on social media.
On a bitterly cold winter’s day, it will warm your heart and show you why the unborn child is worth fighting for.
Website: Life News
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National Hotline: Call 1-800-712-HELP or Text 'HELPLINE' to 313131.
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