“We’re talking about the most vulnerable among us, and we have a public official in America out there again and again defending a practice,” Sasse said.
“This is infanticide that we’re talking about.”

By Steven Ertelt
Life News
A leading pro-abortion U.S. Senator today objected to a Senate vote on legislation that would stop infanticide. The vote would come after Virginia Governor Ralph Northam endorsed infanticide on a radio show last week.
Nebraska Senator Ben Sasse had wanted to vote on Monday on a bill to protect babies born alive after failed abortions.
The Senate vote would have come days after New York Governor Andrew Cuomo signed into law new legislation that allows abortions up to birth and after Virginia Governor Ralph Northam backed infanticide during a radio interview — saying that he’s perfectly content if doctors and parents discuss letting disabled babies die after birth.
Sasse asked of the Senate for unanimous consent to vote on legislation that would offer them appropriate Medical Care and treatment.
However, speaking on behalf of pro-abortion Senate Democrats, pro-abortion Senator Patty Murray, a Democrat from Washington State, stood up and objected to the vote.
Senator Marco Rubio condemned Democrats for blocking a vote on the bill.
Sasse tried using the Rule 14 process to expedite consideration of the bill, as well as calling for a vote to pass the bill under unanimous consent on the Senate floor.
Nebraska Senator Ben Sasse had wanted to vote on Monday on a bill to protect babies born alive after failed abortions.
The Senate vote would have come days after New York Governor Andrew Cuomo signed into law new legislation that allows abortions up to birth and after Virginia Governor Ralph Northam backed infanticide during a radio interview — saying that he’s perfectly content if doctors and parents discuss letting disabled babies die after birth.
Sasse asked of the Senate for unanimous consent to vote on legislation that would offer them appropriate Medical Care and treatment.
However, speaking on behalf of pro-abortion Senate Democrats, pro-abortion Senator Patty Murray, a Democrat from Washington State, stood up and objected to the vote.
Senator Marco Rubio condemned Democrats for blocking a vote on the bill.
“That Senate Democrats would block a bill to protect a baby who survives an abortion speaks volumes,” said Rubio. “Supporting a newborn’s right to life should not be a partisan issue. Unfortunately, Senate Democrats, like their colleagues in Virginia and New York, seem to have no issue publicly supporting legal infanticide. It is clear that, on the issue of life, extremism has become mainstream in the Democratic Party.”Alliance Defending Freedom Senior Counsel Kristen Waggoner told LifeNews she was disappointed abortion advocates objected.
“Every human life is valuable and every single baby deserves to be protected. Alliance Defending Freedom works for a world where abortion is unthinkable and undesirable. We defend the pregnancy centers and medical professionals who offer expecting moms hope and help. We respectfully challenge our elected leaders to affirm the basic human rights of vulnerable children—born and unborn. We’re disappointed by the Senate’s failure to provide legal protection for babies who survive abortions. We’re grateful for Sen. Sasse’s leadership and for every elected leader who understands the human rights at stake and fights to protect vulnerable babies,” Waggoer said.For Nebraska Senator Ben Sasse, it was time to put up or shut up. With 10 Democrat Senators having refused to condemn Virginia governor Ralph Northam for supporting infanticide, Sasse had enough and wanted them to go on record. They refused.
Sasse tried using the Rule 14 process to expedite consideration of the bill, as well as calling for a vote to pass the bill under unanimous consent on the Senate floor.
“I’m going to ask all 100 senators to come to the floor and be against infanticide. This shouldn’t be complicated,” Sasse said before the objection came.Life News article continues here
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