Gavin Ahern, Theology Teacher
Life Site News
An Arizona Catholic school is standing by one of their high school theology teachers who has come under attack because he distributed pro-life material in class.
An online petition to remove Xavier College Preparatory Theology teacher and Right to Life Club Moderator Gavin Ahern accuses him of giving out “hateful, racist, sexist” material, being a misogynist, and creating a climate of “fear of retaliation” in the classroom.
The literature in question was produced by Black Genocide, a project of the Life Education Resource Network (L.E.A.R.N.), which works to expose the disproportionate number of black children lost to abortion, and educates on the parallels between genocide, eugenics and abortion today.
The Black Genocide handout at the center of the controversy lists numerous statistics on the overwhelming prevalence of abortion in the black community, opening with the headline, “Maybe the Klan didn’t invent abortion, but you have to believe they are pretty happy with the results.”
The petition started last weekend by 1993 Xavier graduate Peg Perl claims the material is bigoted hate speech, and denies its statistics have validity.
“Unsubstantiated hate speech is not appropriate in the classroom, and it is in stark contrast to the academic excellence and love for community we associate with our experience at Xavier,” the petition states. “Women-shaming and race-baiting such as this by a teacher in a classroom of young women is an abuse of the authority and trust placed in Mr. Ahern.”
However, Black Genocide Founder Reverend Dr. Clenard Childress disputed the petition’s claim that Ahern was guilty of distributing racist or sexist material, or that the flyer content was not factual. He dismissed the petition as a politically correct effort to rebuke Ahern and censor the truth.
“A petition against the truth?” he asked. “And people are signing it? You’ve got to be kidding me.”
“It’s data, provable data,” Rev. Childress stated. “It’s a fact. Don’t tell me I can’t come with a sociological fact.”
Rev. Childress, who educates on college campuses about African American abortion statistics, fervently dismissed the notion that because someone is not black they cannot speak about the toll of abortion on African Americans.
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