Sunday, January 3, 2016

Best Pals: 257 Media Outlets and Journalists Awarded by Planned Parenthood


By Katie Yoder

It’s time to give them back.

Planned Parenthood understands that, faced with the reality of what it does, the American public would decline to fund the nation’s largest abortion mill with tax dollars. So it makes sense that Planned Parenthood keep its media friends happy. Cue the Maggie Awards.

Since 1978, Planned Parenthood has fostered an cozy relationship with the media by rewarding the outlets and journalists it relies on to push its agenda. The Media Research Center compiled a list of media awarded by the abortion giant to hold them accountable to the public and demand that the recipients return their awards in the wake of the videos exposing Planned Parenthood’s harvesting of aborted baby parts. Those recipients include all three broadcast networks as well as outlets like The Washington Post and taxpayer-funded NPR.

According to the abortion giant, the Planned Parenthood Federation of America “Maggie Awards for Media Excellence” began in 1978 in honor of founder Margaret Sanger. The awards “recognize exceptional contributions by the media and arts and entertainment industries that enhance the public’s understanding of reproductive rights and health care issues, including contraception, sex education, teen pregnancy, abortion, and international family planning.”

According to Planned Parenthood’s own website, all three broadcast networks, ABC, NBC and CBS, boast such awards.

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