By Shawn Carney
40 Days for Life
There is something special about twins.
Most people think that when an abortion-bound mom finds out she’s pregnant with twins, it affirms her decision to have an abortion.
After all, two babies means double the feedings, double the diapers, and double the chaos. But the reality is that when an abortion-minded woman finds a second baby in her womb, she often finds double the love in her heart!
The presence of twins instantly conveys the humanity of the babies and leads their mothers to choose life.
“Lord, please help her…and help her baby,” pleaded a vigil participant in Walnut Creek, California. “She appeared to ignore my offer of help as she walked into the building without looking at me.”But just 15 minutes later, the 18-year-old girl left Planned Parenthood and came to talk to the group of four volunteers on the sidewalk. One of those prayer warriors asked whether she knew how far along she was in her pregnancy.
“Yes,” she said, smiling. “They are 12 weeks old.”They?
“Yes! I had an ultrasound, and they scheduled me today for an abortion,” she said. “I was going to get rid of them…but I just couldn’t do it!”The young mom’s friend browsed a pamphlet she received from the 40 Days for Life volunteers and remarked, “Your babies have fingernails!”
The prayer warriors were ecstatic. “I will NEVER forget that moment, that line, and that realization they both had that these babies were growing inside her. It humanized her babies for her.”
Little Rock, Arkansas

Toni in Little Rock sent a desperate email pleading for prayer.
September walked with Lisa on her way into Milwaukee’s abortion center, letting her know about the pregnancy help center across the street. “That’s your son or daughter, and we are here to help!”
When Lisa left the abortion facility, September resumed the conversation, asking how her baby was doing.
“A lady that is 17 weeks pregnant with twins came today for her ultrasound appointment,” Toni wrote. “She DOES NOT want the abortion, but she feels that she has no support. Please pray for her.”Those prayers were answered as the mother chose life.
“She will be moving back in with her mom soon, and we are going to follow her to see that she has the things she needs,” Toni said. “We will also throw her a baby shower when her time for delivery draws near.”Milwaukee, Wisconsin

When Lisa left the abortion facility, September resumed the conversation, asking how her baby was doing.
“I asked my fiancé, and he wanted to keep them…I’m having TWINS!
The expectant mother’s face broke into a radiant smile as she hugged September–both women filled with joy. Just four days later, volunteers in Milwaukee helped save ANOTHER set of twins from abortion!
Scripture and Prayer
And it happened, when Elizabeth heard the greeting of Mary that the babe leaped in her womb; and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit. Then she spoke out with a loud voice and said, “Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb! But why is this granted to me, that the mother of my Lord should come to me? For indeed, as soon as the voice of your greeting sounded in my ears, the babe leaped in my womb for joy. —Luke 1:41-44
Jesus, open my eyes to your presence in the life of every child. Open my heart to joy in the birth of every child, a birth that reflects the joy of your own birth in Bethlehem. As you shared life in the womb of Mary, so now send your protection upon every child still in the womb, and grant to their mothers the strength and joy that comes from welcoming the gift of life
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