Life News
Popular conservative commentator Ben Shapiro used basic, undisputed facts about an unborn baby’s development to expose the brutality of abortion Sunday on Fox News.
He responded to the ridiculous rhetoric and “Handmaid’s Tale” costumes that abortion activists have been using to oppose pro-life efforts, including U.S. Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation.
To destroy their pro-abortion arguments, Shapiro displayed the ultrasound image of an unborn baby and urged listeners to “think about that next time you see a radical feminist, in a handmaid’s tale outfit, suggesting that you better respect her right to carve apart an unborn baby in the womb, or else you are some sort of fascist,” FaithWire reports.
“Let’s look reality in the face,” Shapiro said. “This is a picture of a 19-week-old baby. This is a human child. This is not a ball of goo.”He referred to legislation that the U.S. Senate narrowly defeated in January, a bill that would have prohibited abortions after 20 weeks when strong scientific evidence indicates unborn babies can feel pain. The Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act passed the U.S. House but narrowly failed to get the 60 votes needed to pass in the U.S. Senate. Just three Democrats voted in favor of the protections. The legislation would have saved as many as 18,000 unborn babies from abortions every year.
“Take a good look at that baby. That is a human being with zero rights according to the mainstream of the Democratic party,” Shapiro said of the vote.He displayed images of a 12-week unborn baby and then an unborn baby at eight weeks.
“You can see this baby with his hands near his chest,” he said of the 12-week image. “This is not a cluster of cells. His liver and spleen are producing red blood cells. This is an unborn human being. But not a single federally-elected Democrat would vote for an abortion ban that would protect this babies life.
“Life does not begin at 14 weeks,” Shapiro continued. “Life doesn’t begin at eight weeks either. It begins at fertilization, when a new human life is born – a new human being with its own DNA. Human life is a continuous process of growth from the moment of fertilization onward.”Life News article continues here
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