"This would not be the first time Planned Parenthood has apparently doctored critical evidence about their own wrongdoing."

Life News
The man behind the viral videos that exposed the Planned Parenthood abortion business and its sales of body parts from aborted babies has new evidence that the abortion company lied to Congress and doctors records related to the sales. David Daleiden presented the information to a federal judge today through his attorneys as he fights in court to counter attempts by the abortion industry to prohibit the public release of more videos.
Today the Center for Medical Progress submitted evidence to a federal judge in Oakland that Planned Parenthood and their business partners may have doctored records about their revenues from the sale of aborted fetal body parts and lied to Congress about them.
The evidence suggests Planned Parenthood and a middle man bio company it used to sell aborted baby parts fudged invoices to hide the truth.
Daleiden told LifeNews today that CMP is asking the Court to force Planned Parenthood and their suspect business partners Advanced Bioscience Resources (ABR) to produce the key original records from their baby body parts harvesting programs. CMP’s filing with the Court, based on sealed documents reflecting Planned Parenthood’s invoices for payment for aborted baby parts, notes that both ABR and Planned Parenthood produced what purported to be the same set of invoices, “but they produced different versions of the same invoice.”
He also indicated “the revenue totals and procurement totals” for fetal body parts “do not match” the totals that Planned Parenthood reported to Congressional investigations two years ago. The filing asks the Court “to verify that [Planned Parenthood] are not producing fabricated evidence.”
“The glaring discrepancies in Planned Parenthood’s alleged documentation of their baby body parts revenues call into question every statement Planned Parenthood has ever made in defense of their abortion harvesting programs,” Daleiden said.Continue reading here
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