Killing preborn babies from the first through the third trimester is a dirty but lucrative business...
By Kelli
Live Action News
READ: Child porn, sexual assault, molestation among crimes of these abortionists
As horrifying as this is, the public often has a far too “sterile” view of what abortionists do. The media says these are compassionate, legitimate physicians. But the reality is quite different. Abortion is the only so-called ‘surgical procedure’ with the sole purpose of killing a human being. Kermit Gosnell isn’t an “outlier.” Every abortionist kills human beings. Here is a short list of some of Gosnell’s abortion industry colleagues:
Curtis Boyd
Boyd runs Southwestern Women’s Options (SWO), with branches in Albuquerque, New Mexico, and Dallas, Texas. In Dallas, SWO commits abortions up to 21 weeks, and in Albuquerque, up to 32 weeks. Boyd is currently under formal review for the death of Keisha Marie Atkins, 23, who was six months pregnant when she aborted at SWO.
Also, as previously reported by Live Action News,
“Boyd‘s SWO facility in Albuquerque came under fire last year for its willingness to abort a 30-week preborn baby because of the mother’s ‘stress,'” and Boyd has “come under fire for harvesting aborted fetal body parts for University of Mexico researchers.” Boyd says he is “an ordained Baptist minister” turned Unitarian who admits he is “killing” when he commits abortions.Steven Brigham
Steven Chase Brigham has had his license to practice medicine “revoked, relinquished, or suspended in five states,” according to a previous Live Action News article. He has been ordered multiple times to relinquish ownership of his abortion facilities in various states, yet failed to do so. As of 2015, Brigham still owned 16 abortion facilities in four states despite losing his license.

According to LifeSiteNews, investigators found the bodies of 35 late-term aborted babies in a “bloody freezer” at Brigham’s Elkton, Maryland, abortion facility. Brigham also led patients illegally to Maryland from other states to commit later-term abortions, and one 18-year-old patient nearly died under his supervision. LifeSite reports,
“So horrific were [the patient’s] injuries and so suspicious was Brigham’s behavior when they finally transported her to a nearby emergency room in the back seat of his rental car, that hospital staff notified the police and filed a complaint with the Maryland Board of Physicians.”LeRoy Carhart
Carhart, who travels between Maryland and Nebraska to commit abortions, has killed at least two women and has injured many more. He has compared preborn children injected with feticide to stop their hearts to “meat in a Crock pot” and has joked about dismembering children in the womb with a “pickaxe and drill bit.” He has stated in an interview that “life begins when the mother thinks it begins.” Multiple complaints have been made about Carhart and his strange behavior, dating all the way back to 1991.
Lisa Harris
Planned Parenthood abortionist Lisa Harris is on record stating that she agrees that abortion is “violence” and “killing.” She was once moved to tears when her own preborn child kicked while she was dismembering another child of similar age in the womb. And yet, she still commits abortions.
“There was a leg and foot in my forceps, and a ‘thump, thump’ in my abdomen,” she recalled.
“Instantly, tears were streaming from my eyes… Doing second trimester abortions did not get easier after my pregnancy; in fact, dealing with little infant parts of my born baby only made dealing with dismembered fetal parts sadder.” Notice that she actually admits to “dismembering” these children.Live Action News continues with three more profiles of late term abortionists: Warren Hern, Douglas Karpen, Willie Parker, Susan Robinson
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