Monday, November 9, 2015

California Study Substituted Propaganda for Science in Declaring Non-Physician Abortions Safe

An Operation Rescue Special Report By Cheryl Sullenger

San Francisco, CA - A study that was the basis for a new California law, which allows minimally-trained nurse practitioners, nurse midwives, and physician's assistants to conduct surgical aspiration abortions, grossly misrepresented the safety of the surgical abortions done by non-physicians.

The 2013 study titled "Safety of Aspiration Abortion Performed by Nurse Practitioners, Certified Nurse Midwives, and Physician Assistants Under a California Legal Waiver" was done by the University of California San Francisco, home of the radical Ryan Residency Abortion Training Program at the cost of nearly $4 million, the majority of which appears to have been provided by a foundation associated with the family of billionaire abortion-supporter Warren Buffet.

"This study, which encouraged the lowering of abortion standards in California, relied more on propaganda than science," said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman. "This is about creating conditions where more abortions can take place at the expense of women's health to accomplish a radical leftist agenda that supports reducing the population through abortion for environmental reasons."

Continue to read about the radical environmental/population control groups behind this study and what the true findings actually were!

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